Call me archaic, but my wife and I have a subscription for The New York Times home delivery Friday through Sunday. It’s called the Weekender or some such nonsense.

By no means am I what you might call a completionist when it comes to reading the paper, but one of the parts I always read is always on the lower third of Page 3: the corrections.

I read them all—I don’t care if I read the story early in the week or not. I do this for a few reasons:

Today while I performed my ritual, I thought about how much different work would be if people wrote to their coworkers about all the things they were wrong about the previous day or week et cetera. How great would our products and projects be if we rid ourselves of the pride of being right and replaced it with the idea that there’s nothing that should be more sacred to us than honesty, integrity and being true to whatever it is we pursue? How much more effiecient would we be? How much happier would our customers be with the products we make?

No one wants to be wrong, but the best way to always be right is to change your mind. Changing your mind is an acknowledgment—albeit tacitly—that you were wrong.

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Copyright Kevan Loy 2019